Thursday, August 02, 2007

That My Children May Love Our Glorious God

Insight from Tedd Tripp, Author of Shepherding a Child's Heart

Until your children have seen the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ, until they have come to see that he is the Lily of the Valley, that he is the Bright and Morning Star, that he is the One who is altogether lovely; until they have seen andunderstood that it is worthwhile to divest of everything, that nothing in all the earth matters but knowing and loving Jesus, they will never know him and love him and serve him. They might play church. They might even be teen VBS helpers, or go on short-term mission’s trips, but until they are convinced that Christ is the treasure, they will never truly know him.

You cannot over-estimate the importance of showing your children the glory of God. If they do not know who God is, how God thinks,what God feels, and why he does what he does, they will have no grounds for finding joy in him, no reason to celebrate his abundant goodness and no basis for finding satisfaction in him. Delight in God cannot occur in an intellectual vacuum. Your careful display and demonstration of the wonders of God’s glorious being is crucial for your children. Joy in God is the fruit of what you know to be true of him. The spiritual heat of joy, delight, and wonder in the face of God cannot take place in a conceptual vacuum.

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